Job Creation

Decent work for all reduces inequality and increases resilience. Policies and interventions developed through social dialogue help people and communities cope with the impact of climate change, while facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable economy. And not least, the dignity, hope and sense of social justice derived from having a decent job helps build and maintain social peace.

Decent work is the foundation for success across the 2030 Agenda. However, Nigeria’s unemployment rate is currently at 33%,; translating to 23.19 million unemployed people. The combination of both the unemployment and underemployment rates stand at 56.1%.

This means that 33.3% of the labour force in Nigeria or 23,187,389 persons either did nothing or worked for less than 20 hours a week, making them unemployed by our definition in Nigeria.

MployMe IRETI has six (6) Focal Action Points for the Creation of Decent Work which include:

  • Decent job creation through Enterprise Development
  • Decent work through Social Action Jobs
  • Tackling Youth Unemployment
  • Gender Equality and Inclusive Labour Opportunities
  • Addressing Forced labour and child labour
  • Promoting Safety and health at work
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